Groups and Clubs
Alzheimer 's and Dementia. Specialized help and support from SPECAL. The SPECAL Centre, Sheep Street, Burford, Oxon, OX18 4LS. Open 8:30 - 4:30 weekdays. Call Jane Fenton on 01993 822129, email: or visit the website by clicking here
Want to belong to a friendly community book group for the over 60's?
From May we are going to start a TeaBook Group on Thursdays @ 1.15pm in
Carterton Library.
Held every 2 or 3weeks.
Speak to the staff and get your name on the list.
BURFORD PRE-SCHOOL & TODDLER GROUP - Tanners Lane, Burford. Ages 3- 5 yrs. Mon-Fri 9-12am. 2 mornings weekly. Nursery voucher provider. Toddler group Wed 1-3pm. Enq Sally 824031.
BRIGHT START PRE-SCHOOL - 2-4 yrs old. Daily 9.15-11.45am. Mon-Wed 12.30-2.45pm. Enq Carol Maudsley Tel: 842489 in term time.
COMMUNITY COLLEGE PLAYGROUP - Monday-Friday 9.15-11.45am. Community College Upavon Way. Enq: Maddie Davies. Tel: 84407 1.
COMMUNITY COLLEGE MOTHER & TODDLER GROUP - Every Monday 1-3pm. Community College Playgroup, Upavon Way. Enq: Maddie Davies. Tel: 841342.
ST. JOHN'S CHURCH PLAYGROUP - Mon- Tues-Wed 9.15-I I .45am. 12.15-2.45pm. Tel: 07866234106 9am-3pm term time or Kim Wilson 840347.
RAF BRIZE NORTON PRE-SCHOOL PLAYGROUP - Mon-Fri 9am-11.30am. Mon- Thurs 12.15am-2.345pm. Enquiries Kylie Gorman Tel: 897215. WEDNESDAY CLUB - For Mothers and Toddlers under 5, Carterton Health Centre. F. Smith, 30 Stoneleigh Drive. First Wednesday of the month at 2-4pm.
BROADSHIRES PRE-SCHOOL - Tues-Fri 9.15am-12 noon. Ages 21/2-5 years. The Old School, Broadwell (2 miles from Carterton). Enquiries: Jackie Overton. Tel: 0 1367 252192. (Registered for Nursery Vouchers).
HIVE INFORMATION CENTRE - 11 Ely Close. Enquiries: Gail Lever/Melanie Bushnell.
Tel: 841497. Mon-Fri 9am-2.30pm. BUMBLES COFFEE SHOP. 12 Ely Close. Enquiries: Fran Jeffs. Tel: 846103. Mon-Thurs 9am-2pm. Fri 9am-12 noon. BUSY BEES. 10 Ely Close.
Enquiries: Rose Bach/Nicky Ralph. Tel: 844011. 0-5yrs Mon-Fri 9am-12 noon. 2-3 yrs Mon-Thurs 12.30am-2.30pm.
RAINBOW MOTHERS & TODDLERS DROP- IN. Tuesdays 9.30-1 lam during term time. Carterton Methodist Church, Burford Rd. Enq: Tel: 845619.
AFTER SCHOOL CARE - Carterton Community College. 2.50- 5.30pm. School Holidays 8.30am5.30pm. Tel: 844071
CARTERTON FUN CLUB - After school and holiday care for all primary school age children. Ofsted-registered. Based at Edith Moorhouse School. Please ring 0778 105 6387 for details.
WITNEY FIRE CADETS -12-16 yrs. Meets Witney Fire Station, Welch Way Mondays 6.30-8.30pm. Enq: Simon Bradley, Cadet Unit, 702722.
AIR TRAINING CORPS - 2267 (Brize Norton) Sqn. ATC RAF Brize Norton. Boys & Girls 13-18 years. Tues & Thurs 7- 9.30pm. Building 901 (behind Gateway House). Contact: Bob Wise Tel: 212595.
ALLANDALE YOUTH HOUSE - Mon, Thur, Fri, Sat, 7.30-1 Opm. All enquiries Shelley Vaisey Tel: 842416.
SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND - Secretary: Mrs Pauline Evans. Telephone: 842983. NATIONAL CHILDBIRTH TRUST - WITNEY AND DISTRICT BRANCH - Social events for parents-to-be and new parents. Enq: Andrea Mayho, Witney 07005 801680.
RCA - Raising Children Alone. 1.30-3.30pm. Fridays (term times). Playgroup Unit, Carterton Community College. Enquiries from Playgroup Unit: 844071 or Sue 840001.
2nd BRIZE NORTON (RAF) AIR SCOUT GROUP - Scout HQ - situated behind the Sgts mess, RAF Brize Norton. Tel: 01993 842551 ext 7929. Group Scout Leader- John Gulliver.
Tel: 01993 842551 ext 7895, or 01993845914. Air Scout Troop (Age 101/2-16): Mondays: 1900-2100. Chipmunk Cub Scout Pack (Age 8-10'6): Tuesdays: 1830- 2000. Hawk Cub Scout Pack (Age 8-1012): Wednesdays: 1900-2030. Lightning Beaver Colony (Age 6-8): Thursdays: 1730-1845. BRIZE NORTON DISTRICT GUIDING District Commissioner. Pam Howard, Tel: 844631 Rainbows 5-7 years Brownies 7-10 years Guides 10-14 years+ Rangers & Young Leaders 14 years+ Millennium Activities Centre 1 st BZN Rainbows Weds 4-5pm 2nd BZN Brownies Weds 6.157.45pm 4th BZN Brownies Thurs 6.15-7.45pm 3rd BZN Guides Mons 7-8.30pm
St Johns Church 2nd Cart. Guides Weds 7.30-9pm Ist Cart. Brownies Mon 6-7.30pm 1st Cart. Guides Mons 7.30- 9pm
Carterton Community Playgroup 2nd Cart. Brownies Mons 6.30-7.45pm The Hive (Busy Bees) 2nd Cart. Rainbows Thurs 4- 5pm
Methodist Church Ist Cart. Rainbows Weds 5-6pm WI Hall 3rd Cart. Brownies Mons 6-7.30pm
St Kenelms Hall, Minster Lovell 1 st ML Rainbows Weds 3.45-4.45pm 1st ML Brownies Weds 5-6.30pm Young Leaders meet monthly and work with their units Weekly
CARTERTON CUBS & BEAVERS - They have now moved temporarily to Minster Lovell and meet at the Scout Hut. CUBS Meets Thursdays 6.30-8pm. Cub Leader, Tony Shortland, Tel: 840358. BEAVERS Meets Tuesdays 6-7.15pm Beaver Leader, Rob Rhodes, Tel: 842839.
Carterton Country Music Club (Oxfordshire)
Dates 2014
January 31 Grand Canyon
February 28 Dorne Valley Country Band
March 28 Ian Highland & Twilight Country
April 25 Longshot
May 30 Kalibre (trio)
June 27 Gone Country
July 25 Knoxville Highway
August 29 Capricorn
September 26 Montana Country
October 31 Black Steel (trio)
November 28 Michael Muldoon Band
December 19 Ridgeway Country
Charity Dance
(for Cancer Research UK)
CARTERTON SCOUTS - Moved temporarily to Minster Lovell and meet at the Scout Hut on Wednesdays. Further information from Tony Shortland Tel: 840358, 26 Finchdale Close, Carterton. CARTERTON TREFOIL GUILD - Meetings W.I. Hall, 3rd Wednesday of month. 7.45-9.30pm. Contact: 841859.
CARTERTON RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB - President: Mike Stevenson - 842075. Chairman: Nick Truman - 842753. Secretary: Mrs Ann Callen - 845126.
MANAGERS Girls - Julia Nichols 704450 U l l's Colts - Jeremy Yallop 841491
U7's - Darren Lee 214515 U 12's - John Williams 844515
U8's - Chris Richardson 212398 U13's - Baden Sparkes 213116
U8's Colts -Ian Hempsall 213248 U 14's - Rob King 214227
U9's - Gary Brown 07900572497 U15's - Pete Kelly 845663
U9's Colts - Barry Hedges 843209 U16's - Kev Trethowan 840315
U 1 O's - Les Bishop 840055 Mens 1 st Team -Pete Lamb 844004
U1 O's Colts - Jeremy Allen 846888 Mens Reserves - Vince Bush 213733
UI I's - Ritchie Barnes 213170 Ladies Team- Lisa Boyer 07957 891906 CARTERTON TOWN FOOTBALL CLUB
Chairman: Bob Taylor- 840214. Steward/Hall Hire: Hugo Pill 842410. Mini Soccer. Paul King - 840412.
For details on all other teams, contact the Football Club 842410.
SWINDON BULLDOGS RUGBY LEAGUE TEAM - Tuesdays 7-9pm. Supermarine Swindon Sports Ground. Contact Neil Ferguson 01793 614703.
CARTERTON GYMNASTIC CLUB - Enq: D. Newton. Tel: Witney 703670. CARTERTON JUDO CLUB - Tues 7.30pm. Allandale Youth House. Enq: David Small, 16 Shillbrook Avenue. Tel: 843267.
BUSHINDO-KAI MARTIAL ARTS - Thursdays & Fridays 8.30-IOpm. W.I. Hall, Carterton. Enq. J. Williamson 840205.
CARTERTON WING CHUN KUNG FU CLUB - Adult Classes. Meets 7-9pm Carterton Social Centre, Brownes Lane, every Monday. Contact Harry Cannon 07890 019028.
CARTERTON SQUASH CLUB - Contact: Gavin Powell, 845220. Club House: 842996. BADMINTON CLUB - Witney Leys Badminton Club. Wed 7.30pm-10.30pm (in Woodgreen School Sports Hall - 4 courts). All welcome. SUMMER CLUB too. Tel. Graham 0 1993 702219
WITNEY & CARTERTON BADMINTON CLUB - Wednesdays 8-IOpm. Community College, Upavon Way, Carterton. Enq. Mr Aggawal 774164.
SHORT-TENNIS CLUB - Mondays 4-5pm. 5-6pm. Carterton Community College. Enquiries to Rachel. Tel: 842816 or Mobile 0589 973914.
CARTERTON BOWLS CLUB - Arkell Avenue. Open all year round. Bar and Lounge facilities available nightly. Instruction for beginners. Membership applications and information: 843366 After 6.30pm.
CARTERTON HOCKEY CLUB - Meets at Carterton Astro Turf, Upavon Way. Adults Weds 7.008.30pm. Telephone 01451 844776.
KILKENNY CRICKET CLUB - Contact: Fixtures Secretary, Mr S Wixey 842993. Secretary, Mr J Williams 214010. Captain, Mr I Price 213831.
WINDRUSH COLLECTORS SOCIETY - Meetings 2nd Wednesday of month. 7.45pm Carterton Social Centre. Enquiries: Mr Everett Tel: 213030.
FULBROOK CAMERA CLUB - Enq: Ellen or Gordon Parker 843985.
SHILL VALLEY LACEMAKERS - Meets 1st Mon in the month. Town Hall, Carterton 7.309.30pm. Ring Julie 840276.
BUTTERCROSS QUILTERS - Meets every 2nd Tuesday. The Buffet Room, Langdale Hall, Witney 7.30-9.30pm. Tel: 841704.
COTSWOLD FLOWER CLUB - 1st Wed. of each month, W.I. Hall 7.30-9.30pm. Secretary: Ann Hancock. Tel: 842197. Chairwoman: Mrs Betty Holmes Tel: 841140. WITNEY BRIDGE CLUB - Wed. 7.15pm. Burwell Hall, Witney. Enq: Alexander Bain - Tel: 840984.
WITNEY LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Meets 3rd Tuesday in month. Sept-May. 7.30pm in Corn Exchange, Witney. Enquiries Tel: 779093.
ACTING COMMUNITY THINGUMYBOGS - Rehearsals in Drama Theatre, 7-9pm. Community College, Thursdays. Enq: Sue 212911.
RAF BRIZE NORTON THEATRE CLUB - Splinter Village, Hut 49a. Wed. 8.30pm. Enq: Pat Roberts 07946 629688/Sam Dick- Mamer 07980 863789.
SCOTTISH DANCING - Lechlade, New Memorial Hall. Thurs. 7.30pm. Beginners & Experienced Dancers. Enq. Shirley Jenkins 01367 252623.
WITNEY SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCERS - Mondays during term time, Henry Box School, Witney. 7.45-9.45pm. Enq: Alexander Bain - Tel: 840984.
DUCKLINGTON MORRIS DANCERS - Practices 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month. 8pm Ducklington Village Hall - and afterwards in `The Bell'. Information contact Andy Cheyne 831657 or Neil Sleight 01865 241081.
WITNEY SEQUENCE DANCING CLUB. Tuesday evenings 7-IOpm. Beginners tuition 6.30-7pm. Langdale Hall, Witney. Modem, old time & Latin dances. Enquiries 01865 722250. SONGSTERS. Meets Wed/Thurs 7.30pm. Further details from Chairman - George Fox 842187 or Secretary/Musical Director - Dee Bulley 842427.
RAF BRIZE NORTON SINGERS - Officer in Charge: FIt. Lt. S. P. Hamilton.
Secretary: M. Spalding, 1 Finchdale Close, Carterton. Tel: 842229. Meets Mondays. 7.45pm RAF Community Centre.
WITNEY AND DISTRICT CITIZENS ORCHESTRA - Rehearsals Monday afternoons 2-4.30pm Corn Exchange, Witney. Details: Tel: Witney 704566.
AEROBICS/STEP AEROBICS - Day (with qualified creche facility) and evening classes in Carterton. For days and times and more information contact: Janey Slader. Tel: 845812. BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION CARTERTON BRANCH - Chairman: Edith Richens. Tel: 841954. Secretary: Joyce May. Tel: 842585.
CARTERTON OVER 60's & EARLY RETIRED CLUB - Meets every Fri 2-4pm at Social Centre, Alvescot Road. Ring May Satell 841682.
AGE CONCERN DAY CENTRE - Meets every Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs. Access Rd, Lawton Ave, Carterton. Enquiries to: Jenny Hedges 840162.
FRIENDSHIP GROUP - Tues Coffee Morning 10-12 noon at Allendale Youth House. Thurs 2-5pm. Enq: Mrs Pearman 842255.
FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS - Alternate Thurs. 2-4pm. W.I. Hall. Chairman: Mr H. Pickett, 35 Edgeworth Drive, Carterton. Tel: 845041. Secretary: Mrs E. Hainsworth, 26 Shilldeane Drive, Carterton. Tel: 842157.
UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE - Meets 1 st & 3rd Thursday of month. 2pm. Langdale Hall. For people 50 years & over. New interests & new friends. Details Monica File, Tel: 878788.
THE SYCAMORES TENANTS & RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION - This association covers Arkell Ave, Rock Road, Rock Close, Sycamore Drive. Meetings 1 st Monday of month at 7.30pm at Blenheim Court, Sycamore Drive. Contact: Secretary, Mrs Tan Marchant. Tel: 841060.
WITNEY TALKING NEWSPAPER FOR THE BLIND - Secretary: Peter Bee 703837 or Margaret Bettesworth 702692.
CARTERTON FRIENDS OF THE BLIND AND PARTIALLY SIGHTED - Meetings 3rd Wed. in the month 2-4pm Town Hall. Alvescot Road, Carterton. Enquiries: Mrs Gibbens - Tel: 843502. ADVICE AND NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE - Thurs 10-4pm. Sats. 10- 11.30am. Tel: 845884. SOLACE - Drop-In Centre for Carers. Wed. 10.30am-12.30pm. Congregational Church Rooms. Welch Way, Witney. Tel: 0 1345 125546.
VOLUNTEER LINK-UP - Matching people with time to spare to those who need help. Mon-Fri 9am-lpm. 10 Wesley Walk, High Street, Witney. Tel: 776277.
SPRINGBOARD CHILDREN, ADULTS & FAMILIES PROJECT - Supports individuals families with anxiety, depression/long term mental health. Drop In for adults Mondays & Fridays 10am-3pm. Enq. Doreen 841740 Mon-Fri l 0am-5pm.
WEST OXFORDSHIRE CITIZEN ADVOCACY - Volunteers speak up for people who cannot communicate well. Enq. Anthony Richards 704826.
CARTERTON ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE - Cadets. Contact: Claire Hammond. Tel: 212687. Adults. Contact: Dave Wesson. Tel: 779842.
ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE BOAT INSTITUTION - Windrush Valley Branch. Enq: Chairman - Mr P H. Thompson. Tel: 841325.
CARTERTON LIONS CLUB - President: Barry Calcutt Tel: 842655. Secretary: Maddy Radburn Tel: 772241. Meets 8pm 1 st Tuesday of the month at Carterton Town Football Club, Kilkenny Lane.
ORDER OF LADIES GLADE - The Belle Glade No 513 meets every Mon. 8pm at the Activities Centre, Splinter Village, RAF Brize Norton. Secretary: Mrs J. Pearce. Tel: 843696.
ROYAL ANTEDILUVIAN ORDER OF BUFFALOES - Wychwood Lodge No. 5308. Thurs. 8.00pm. Village Hall, Swinbrook, Nr. Burford. Sec: Mr M Jackson, 10 Arkell Avenue. Tel: 840427. ROYAL ANTEDILUVIAN ORDER OF BUFFALOES - Flaming Torch Lodge 7494 every Thurs. 8pm, Social Centre. Sec: Mr M. C. Drew, 46 Ampney Orchard, Bampton. Tel: 210129. CARTERTON & BRIZE NORTON BRANCH, ROYAL AIR FORCES ASSOCIATION - Information contact Bob Wise, 3 Humphries Close 212595 or Secretary: Phil Caswell 212429. Meetings: 8pm 2nd Monday of each month at Bowls Club, Arkell Ave, Carterton.
ROYAL BRITISH LEGION - Meetings 3rd Mon of each month at 8.00pm at Carterton Bowls Club, Arkell Ave. Chairman: Mr M Townsend, Tel: 213490 Membership Secretary: A. J. Staddon,
57 Brize Norton Rd, Tel: 841861- Welfare Secretary: Mr M Bulley, 53 Swinbrook Road, Carterton. Tel: 842427.
ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION - 2nd & 4th Monday of each month. 8pm, Social Centre. Chairman: S. W. Scarsbrook, 12 Westfield Road, Witney. Sec: A. J. Wixey. Tel: 844699. S.S.A.F.A. WITNEY & AREA - Contact: Don Deaney, 35 Curbridge Road, Witney. Tel: 201442. FARINGDON & LECHLADE ROUND TABLE - Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of month.
At Crown Hotel, Faringdon. Begins 7.30pm. Enquiries to Ray Bather. Carterton 843205. RSPCA - Local Secretary Jason Kibble, 16 Hillview, Carterton. Tel: 213225.
LOST AND FOUND BIRDS REGISTER - Also birds cared for in your absence. All enquiries phone: 841778.
CATS PROTECTION LEAGUE, W. OXON BRANCH - Co-ordinator: Lou Tyack. Tel: 01608 659940.
CARTERTON EDUCATIONAL TRUST - Provides funds to groups & individuals for educational purposes. Further details of this charitable trust contact: Mrs T. Marchant. Hon. Secretary,
56 Sycamore Drive, Carterton.
WITNEY MOTOR CLUB - Meets 2nd and 4th Thurs of each month. Secretary Simon Bradley, 7 Beech Road, Witney. Tel:702722.
CHAMBER OF TRADE - Hon. Sec.: Mrs C. Byrne, 42 Foxcroft Drive. Tel: 212872. SWINBROOK ROAD ALLOTMENTS ASSOCIATION - Enq: Sec. Mr M. Alcock, 8 Shillbrook Road, Carterton. Tel: 841704.
SOCIAL CLUB - Social Centre, Browne's Lane. Large Bar open Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday lunchtimes and each evening. Small Bar open Mon, Tues, Wed and Sunday lunchtimes. Fri, Sat and Sunday evenings. Enquiries: R. Cleary 842489.
SOCIAL CENTRE - (Carterton & Black Bourton Village Hall) Browne's Lane. Booking Secretary: Mr Barnard, Tel: 07765 502258.
CARTERTON WOMENS INSTITUTE - Every 2nd Tues. 7.30pm at the WI Hall Brize Norton Road. President: Mrs C. Sherwood 843919. Sec:.Mrs B. Fall- Tel: 841674.
W.I. BOOKING CLERK - Mrs B. Fall- Tel: 841674.
BROADSHIRES HEALTH CENTRE - Broadshire Way, Carterton. Tel: 844567. CARTERTON HEALTH CENTRE. Alvescot Road. Tel: 841718.
METHODIST CHURCH - Rev. Andy Chislett-McDonald, 51 Scholars Acre, Carterton, Tel: 845322. CATHOLIC CHURCH - Father Emmanuel Gili-Hammett & Father Bengt-Ove Jakobsson.
The Presbytery, Arkell Ave. Tel: 842463.
CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Rev. Roger Billings, The Vicarage, Burford Road. Tel: 842429. WITNEY & CARTERTON COMMUNITY CHURCH - Kings School, New Yatt. Rd. 10.30am Sundays. Details: Mr Ellwood 704606.
CARTERTON AND BRIZE NORTON COUNCIL OF CHURCHES - Once a quarter. Enq: Mrs S. Rankcom, The Sycamores, 72 Oakfield Road. Tel: 842997.
CARTERTON CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH - Tues 7.15pm. Carterton Social Centre. Enquiries Tel: Bonnie 212755 - Roma 704240 - Jean 771132.
CHAPLAINCY. RAF BRIZE NORTON - Enquiries phone: C of E 897530 C.S.F.C. 897531 RC.897529
SHILTON HISTORY GROUP - Meets on the second Friday of each month. Shilton Old School, Shilton. 7.30pm. Further information from Elizabeth Hatfield Tel: 843444 or Fred Robertson Tel: 841403
These sites cover the ox18 area of Oxfordshire England, including the following villages, OX18, Alvescot, Bampton, Black Bourton, Burford, Broadwell, Carterton, Clanfield, Kelmscott, Kencot, Langford, Lechlade, RAF Broadwell, Shilton, Parish Pump, Oxfordshire Events,